In the early 1990s, governments in the United States and Japan developed policies and guidelines for assessing safety of food developed using modern biotechnology. In Japan the MHW established voluntary guidelines in 1991 based on OECD guidelines for reviewing food safety of biotech crops. However, in 2001 Japan adopted a mandatory approval process. In the U.S. biotech foods continue to be reviewed for food safety under voluntary guidelines established by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1992. (Except for pesticide traits such as B.t. and virus resistance that require mandatory review by the EPA; see the U.S. Regulatory Agencies Unified Biotechnology Website,) Why has the FDA maintained a voluntary approach while Japan and other countries such as Australia, New Zealand, and Korea, as well as Europe have mandatory approval processes for foods derived from modern biotechnology?
1992年、バイテク食品の安全性審査を定期的に行うようになるとは、FDAは予想していなかった。同年、政策の立案中、小さなベンチャー企業Calgene社が、同社のバイテク・トマト「Flavr Savr」の審査をFDAに求めてきた。ほかの企業もまた、FDAのアドバイスを求めてきた。FDAの科学者達は、Calgene社にしかるべき安全性試験について助言し、そして同社のデータを審査した。94年、その審査を終えるに先立って、FDAは食品諮問委員会を招集した。委員会のメンバーはすべてFDA外部の専門家である。委員会はFDAが検討したデータを審査し、92年の政策に概説された科学的アプローチは適切であると認めた。これによって、バイテク・トマト「Flavr Savr」に関する食品安全性関連のすべての問題が解決した。
食品諮問委員会の消費者団体の代表は、こうコメントした。「新しいトマトに関してFDAによって行われた総合的な審査は、初のバイテク食品ということにおいては有用であったが、『Flavr Savr』」トマトのように安全性について実質的な問題が何も持ち上がらなかった場合、はたして、今後のバイテク食品全てのケースについても同様の審査が必要であろうか」。その後の委員会で、FDAは、除草剤耐性ダイズやBtトウモロコシを含む幾種類かのバイテク食品のデータを提出したが、それらはすべて簡略審査に基づくものであった。
The legal framework for food safety in the U.S. is based in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act). The act gives FDA legal tools to protect food safety, and FDA has regulated many new technologies under the act, including pasteurization, food canning, and freeze dried foods. FDA has enforcement authority and can take legal action if food product or individual violates the act. Firms have a strong incentive to follow the law.
Under the act, new food additives require premarket approval by FDA before they can be used in food. However, many substances added to food are exempt from this requirement because they are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) based either on history of safe use in food or scientific data that is available to the public and recognized by expert scientists. Genes and their expressed proteins that are introduced into crops are considered to be added substances if they are present in the food. FDA has determined that DNA, which is present in all foods, is GRAS. New proteins that are similar to proteins found in food or whose safety has been established may also be GRAS. GRAS substances are not required to under go premarket approval.
If a protein introduced into food via gene transfer is not GRAS, it must be approved as a food additive for the food to be legal in the market. To date only the selectable marker enzyme expressed by the gene for kanamycin resistance has been regulated as a food additive, but FDA has authority to require premarket approval if a newly expressed protein is not GRAS.
FDA did not anticipate in 1992 that it would routinely review the safety of biotech foods. However, during development of the 1992 policy, a small entrepreneurial firm, Calgene Inc., asked for FDA’s review of its biotech food, Flavr SavrTM tomato. Other firms also sought FDA’s advice. FDA scientists advised Calgene on appropriate safety testing and reviewed the firm’s data. In 1994 prior to concluding its review, FDA convened a meeting of its Food Advisory Committee whose members are experts from outside FDA. The Committee reviewed the data that FDA had considered and agreed that the scientific approach outlined in the 1992 policy was sound and that all relevant food safety questions regarding the biotech tomato had been resolved.
A consumer representative on the Committee commented that the comprehensive review of the new tomato conducted by FDA had been useful for the first biotech food but questioned whether it was necessary in all cases if subsequent biotech foods, as was the case for the Flavr SavrTM tomato, did not raise substantive safety issues. In a later meeting of the Committee, FDA presented data based on abbreviated reviews for several additional biotech foods, including herbicide tolerant soybean and B.t. corn.
The Committee agreed that the approach FDA used was sound scientifically and was an appropriate use of agency resources. FDA strongly encourages but does not require firms to submit sufficient data to the agency to permit FDA scientists to determine whether the firm had conducted appropriate tests and whether the results agreed with the firm’s conclusion that the food is as safe as its conventional counterpart food. Biotech companies support FDA’s policy and consult with the agency. While FDA’s consultation process is voluntary, from a practical point of view, the biotech industry considers it to be a required step to the market.
Mandatory approval processes that have been enacted by various countries, including Japan, provide little if any flexibility to governments because any biotech food that has not been approved is a priori illegal. This lack of regulatory flexibility can have a significant impact on trade in food and feed. Problems have arisen due to very small amounts of unapproved biotech material in bulk shipments.
The Codex has developed a proposed approach that may help countries determine whether such small amounts of biotech material pose a health problem. This approach will be considered for adoption by the Codex this summer and assuming it is adopted, it will be interesting to see whether countries such as Japan find it useful. The Codex approach to low levels of biotech material may be a topic for a future column.