The recent news of food borne illness attributed to Salmonella in certain tomatoes distributed commercially in the United States highlights how important it is for health ministries and agencies to have adequate resources and to be prepared for unexpected events. Usually, however, such organizations have limited resources. Consequently, setting priorities is essential for effective public health protection. Sometimes, the public’s perception of hazard does not coincide with scientific assessment.
1999年、FDAはWashington,DC、 Illinois州Chicago、 California州Oakland (San Francisco近郊:写真参照)の3都市で食品バイオテクノロジー政策について説明するため、また市民の意見を聞くために市民集会を開催した。集会では、専門家によるパネルが2つに分かれていた。1つは、科学的問題について議論するパネル、もう1つは、情報公開や食品表示といった問題を議論するパネルである。
Nevertheless, in democratic societies, governments must carefully consider public opinion. In 2000, FDA, responding to public comments about its voluntary review process, proposed to require review of all biotech foods prior to commercial distribution. The proposed process would be similar to the existing voluntary process but would be mandatory.
The agency did not finalize the proposal, in part, because its assessment of the science of genetic engineering and of the characteristics of biotech foods then under development suggested that, while some resources should be devoted to assessing biotech food safety, other activities, such as reducing the likelihood of food borne illness, and ensuring effective responses when such incidents occur would have a greater impact on protecting public health.
FDA considered several regulatory options when it developed its 1992 policy for foods derived from biotech crops. One option posited that all new biotech foods, by virtue of the genetic alteration, are new food additives that require premarket review and approval by FDA. That option was rejected because the extensive review of scientific literature that FDA conducted on biotech foods and conventional plant breeding did not reveal any unique hazards associated with the use of genetic engineering.
As discussed previously in this column, FDA instead chose to encourage developers to voluntarily provide scientific data to FDA and to rely on its food additive authority to require premarket review only in cases where questions of safety remain unresolved. Following the uncertainty regarding biotech foods that developed in Europe in the late 1990s and resulting questions that FDA received from the U.S. public, FDA considered whether it should modify its 1992 policy.
FDA conducted public meetings in 1999 in Washington, D.C., Chicago, IL, and Oakland, CA (near San Francisco; see photo), to explain its food biotechnology policy and to hear the views of the public. Each meeting had two panels of experts, one to discuss scientific issues and the second to discuss issues such as public information and food labeling.
Each meeting also provided an opportunity for individuals in the audience to express their views. Due to the large number of requests (about eighty-five individuals per meeting), speakers were limited to two minutes, but the speakers as well as the public generally were invited to submit written comments to FDA. Many diverse views were expressed regarding FDA’s policy for biotech foods. Generally, the public was comfortable with FDA’s scientific review conducted through the voluntary consultation process, but many individuals felt that FDA should make the process mandatory.
FDA drafted a regulation to mandate its consultation process. However, FDA cannot issue regulations based solely on public opinion. Consequently, FDA asserted in the proposal that the insertion of DNA sequences via genetic engineering was more likely to lead to unintended effects compared with modifications that result from conventional plant breeding and that such modifications could lead to unintended health effects.
The proposal received broad support from the public and the industry, but unlike the 1992 policy lacked scientific literature to support its thesis. In addition, if a biotech food was not notified to FDA, FDA could not take legal action, unless (as is the case under current law) the agency could demonstrated that the new food was not GRAS or that it could harm the public. The mere presence in the food supply of a biotech food that had not been notified to FDA would not be sufficient for legal action.
To better understand whether unintended effects pose a special health concern for genetic engineering versus conventional plant breeding, FDA, USDA, and EPA requested that the National Research Council and the Institute of Medicine of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, study the issue.
The committee concluded that all methods of genetic alteration can lead to unintended effects and some methods of conventional breeding such as chemical and irradiation mutagenesis are more likely than genetic engineering to produce unintended effects. FDA’s proposed regulation has not been made final. Several Administrations and Democratic and Republican controlled sessions of the Congress have found no reason to alter FDA’s 1992 policy.
Experience continues to show that FDA’s scientific review of biotech foods is sound and that all such foods for which reviews have been completed are as safe as their conventional counterparts. It remains to be seen whether a new Obama or McCain Administration would seek to make changes in FDA’s approach to food biotechnology. However, it is likely that FDA would prefer that any enhancement of its food safety authority be directed toward achieving the greatest protection of public health: prevention of food borne illness or acts of bioterrorism and enhanced inspection of imported food products.
It is critical that industry continue to conduct adequate scientific investigations of new biotech foods and to continue to consult with the FDA. If a biotech food were found to adversely affect the health of consumers, the FDA’s policy for biotech foods could change overnight.
*FDA Public Meeting on Food Biotechnology, Oakland, California, December 13, 1999. Panel to the right: experts on scientific issues; Panel to the left: FDA staff. This author is seated to the far left.